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Après 7 albums avec Sousbock et 2 avec Lunear, je me lance dans un nouveau projet musical solo, « Esse », et pour la première fois en anglais.

L’album s’appelle « A Frenchy Moody Evening ». Il est écrit et enregistré mais il doit encore être mixé et masterisé.

Le premier titre, Just a Boy, est sorti sur Youtube  pour un Défi Galago et a remporté un fort succès d’estime..

En tout, 11 titres sont sur l’album. 11 titres différents mais qui vont créer une atmosphère, une ambiance calme, posée, relaxante. Si vous aimez Just a Boy, il y a de grandes chances pour que le reste de l’album vous plaise.

Imaginez-vous partir pour un voyage d’environ trois quarts d’heure, avec un verre à la main, un bon fauteuil et des lumières tamisées. Dehors il fait froid, il pleut un peu et la nuit est bientôt là. Vous montez le volume après une journée de travail : a frenchy moody evening est, comme son nom l’indique, un album qui a été écrit pour faire du bien à l’âme, pour offrir une parenthèse dans la vie, une bulle de douceur. 

Pourquoi préciser « Frenchy » dans le titre ? Tout simplement parce que j’ai choisi d’assumer, après plus de 20 ans à ne pas le faire, de chanter en anglais, malgré l’accent imparfait qui est le mien et qui est pourtant reconnu comme un des plus beaux au monde par les anglophones. 

Pour les spécialistes qui veulent tout savoir, les arrangements sont un mélange subtil de moderne et d’ancien avec des instruments comme le piano, le CP-80, le mellotron mais aussi des synthés vintages, des sons de violons, de harpes, de basses électros ou taurus et des batteries évidemment. C’est aussi un mélange assez paradoxal d’arrangements riches et dépouillés. À ce titre, la chanson Just a Boy est bien représentative de ce qu’est le disque : dépouillé dans sa première moitié, l’arrangement s’envole et se densifie dans sa deuxième moitié. 

Sur ce disque, j’ai écrit tous les textes et les musiques (avec un coup de main pour deux chansons). 

J’ai également joué, avec mon ami Paul J.No tous les instruments et très sincèrement, si la partition semble compliquée, c’est qu’elle a été jouée par Paul. L’ami Gilles Snowcat joue sur un morceau et le tout est mixé par JP. Benadjer. 


mai 2021

esse - a frenchy moody evening - 2021

I’m just a boy on the Earth

I’m just a boy on the Earth

Cos I’m just a boy wandering the Earth

Sometimes I don’t know what to do

Sometimes I don’t know what to think

But I am here and I’m gonna stay there

I am not going anywhere

It’s such a hard life

It’s such a hard place

I don’t know what to do

For you, for me, for them

It’s such a mess we’re stuck into

Cos I’m just a boy wandering the Earth

Yes I’m just a boy lonely and scared

Sometimes I don’t know what to do

Sometimes I don’t know what to think

But I am here and I’m gonna stay there

I am not going anywhere

It’s such a hard life

It’s such a hard place

I don’t know what to do

For you, for me, for them

It’s such a mess we’re stuck into

So I shut myself from the world

Yes I shut myself dodging the bad news

Cos I’m just a boy wandering the Earth

Yes I’m just a boy trying to figure it out 

Sometimes things are out of reach

And despite your better self you just can’t compete 

If you really think that it’s not worth the trouble

Then don’t do it

No one is gonna blame you

I know I won’t 

I know I won’t 

I know I won’t 

Sometimes you have to put yourself first

No one knows yourself better than you do

If you do believe that it’s not worth the pain

Then don’t do it

No one is gonna blame you

I know I won’t 

I know I won’t 

I know I won’t 

Sometimes it’s simply just can’t be done 

No one knows better you just need to trust you

If you know deep inside that it’s not worth it

Then don’t do it

No one is gonna blame you

I know I won’t 

I know I won’t 

I know I won’t 

Musique : S.Bournier/L.Duflos

I can see nothing else for now,

Think this story has gone too far

I’ve got to learn from all those talk

And discover who were my folks

Don’t have a life, nor have a name.

Every morning seeing my face

A face that I don’t recognize

Is such a pain, such a disgrace

But I’ll remember your smile, the first thing out of this shadow

My brain is like it’s gonna blow

It’s so empty, I’d like to know

So from now on, I’ve got to leave you alone

I’ve crossed a hundred thousand roads, 

And met a thousand of people,

But no one had a clue for me, 

Still don’t know what was my « me »

Got lost in the maze of my thoughts

With all this blurry haze around me

And if I want to be relieved

Then I will have to face my past

But I’ll remember your smile, the first thing out of this shadow

My brain is like it’s gonna blow

It’s so empty, I’d like to know

So from now on, I’ve got to leave you alone

We have known each other for most of our lives

We grew up together and trusting you came easily

But these last few years we grew apart 

And I realise I’m having a hard time trusting you now

I know it’s not your fault and it will never be

A different day, a different mood 

But you let me down too many times

Too many disappointments or broken promises 

Cos there is this dark place 

Where you go sometimes

And where I can’t follow

Where I won’t follow you

So I need you to know

Not trusting you doesn’t mean that I don’t love you anymore

Cos I still do and I will always do

You were my best friend, my soul mate, 

My real life brother and now I hardly recognise you

You’ve become so unpredictable that I dread meeting you, 

Not knowing what it’s going to be like

Cos there is this dark place 

Where you go sometimes

Where I can’t follow

Where I won’t follow you

So I need you to know

Not trusting you doesn’t mean that I don’t love you anymore

Cos I still do and I will always do

Truth is, I don’t think I trust someone anymore

I don’t even trust myself sometimes

Cos there is this dark place 

Where you go sometimes

Where I can’t follow

Where I won’t follow you

But I need you to know

Not trusting you doesn’t mean that I don’t love you anymore

Cos I still do and I will always do

I don’t know what I need

I don’t know what I want

I don’t know what wish 

I don’t know how I feel 

But I know deep inside me 

That I don’t belong 

That I don’t feel home

Nowhere feels like home 

I don’t know what to do

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do

I just want to feel free

And never again feeling lonely

But I know deep inside me 

That I don’t belong 

That I don’t feel home

Nowhere feels like home 




















Musique : S.Bournier/L.Duflos

I was standing all alone

I was standing on my own

Two paths were prepared ahead

I tried to remember what you said

I was going all around

In this small place in my mind

I was fighting my demons

Throughout all the seasons

But wherever I went, I had this choice to make

Was it better light or dark

And even though I showed weakness

I chose deep in my heart

I liked it dark

And chose the dark

We were waiting together

For bad forthcoming weather

I couldn’t make peace with my mind

And I couldn’t leave you behind

I was standing all alone

I was standing on my own

Two path were prepared ahead

I couldn’t remember what you said

But wherever I went, I had this choice to make

Was it better light or dark

And even though I showed weakness

I chose deep in my heart

I liked it dark

And chose the dark

I used to be in pain for so long

Most of my adult life

My body that ached 24/7 

My illness, my sickness for so long

The pain defined me 24/7

The pain used to be a part of me

And now that it’s gone

There’s something missing

Now that I’m cured 

There’s something missing

Now that I’m healed

There’s something missing

I don’t wish for it to be back

But sometimes it feels like 

I’m someone different

And sometimes the pain comes back

I welcome it like an old friend

That toxic friend from your past

That you wish were gone for good 

The pain used to be a part of me

And now that it’s gone

There’s something missing

Now that I’m cured 

There’s something missing

Now that I’m healed

There’s something missing

You might think that it comes with relief but

The absence of pain is still pain somehow

Absence of pain is somehow still pain 

Absence of pain is somehow still pain 

I was wondering the whole night long

Waiting for the sleep to come

Wandering among my thoughts

In search of a dream to come…

When I caught sight of a spider 

Crawling on the ceiling

I was so terrified and hypnotized 

That my body was paralysed

I’ve got to kill all those spiders on the ceiling

I’ve got to get rid of those snakes on the floor

So please tell me I’m not the only one 

Who encounters problems sleeping at night

Though I’m aware that my monsters 

Are a hundred times than me smaller

Please someone come and rescue me

There’s no escape, I cannot flee

I’ve got to kill all those spiders on the ceilling

I’ve got to get rid of those snakes on the floor

So please tell me I’m not the only one 

Who encounters problems sleeping at night

I see spiders, spiders everywhere

Under my bed inside my brain

They’re the nightmare that haunts my dreams

That keeps me away from sleeping

I’ve got to kill all those spiders on the ceilling

I’ve got to get rid of those snakes on the floor

So please tell me I’m not the only one 

Who encounters problems sleeping at night

I need coffee in the morning 

To live through the day

I need X pills in the evening

To sleep through the night

I need comfort food 

To cope with basic daily life

I need music every day 

To keep my mind at ease 

I need the latest tech toys

To fill a unfillable void

I need quiet time and silence

To rest and heal 

Then I might feel relief 

For an hour or two

Sometimes a day when I’m lucky

But it never lasts…

Oh, and please

I don’t need you to tell me about the future

That there may be none

Cos I don’t want to know 

I want to live through the day

So don’t tell me about tomorrow

There’s only today

There’s only today

I don’t really know how I’m feeling

But I think I’m feeling like a mess

I haven’t really slept and 

I drank way too much coffee.

How can I choose between my selfish fun 

And everything that I stand for

It should be a no-brainer

But sadly it’s not

I do believe that everybody deserves a second chance

But I know that you’ve already given too many of them

I do hope you’re ok

Better than I am 

I just want to sit in the dark

And listen to Lana all night

With a glass of whiskey

But who am I kidding

I don’t even drink

But still, 

I have this bad hangover feeling

This persistent headache 

And my whole body hurting

Do I need to walk away? 

It is kind of hard to stay

Look at everything we’ve got

And we still manage to hurt ourselves anyway

I do believe that everybody deserves a second chance

But I know that you’ve already given too many of them

I do hope you’re ok

Better than I am 

I just want to sit in the dark

And listen to Lana all night

With a glass of whiskey

But who am I kidding

I don’t even drink

But still, 

I have this bad hangover feeling

This persistent headache 

And my whole body hurting